Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to Blog-umenting again...

Don't tell me..I know I know.. I suck at blogging. I'm hoping you will bear with me once again as I try to enter the blogging world. It has been almost a year, yes a YEAR since my last post. I am just going to warn you this first post maybe kind of long...
By now pretty much everyone knows we are moving to California in a few weeks and I feel like this is such a big step in our life. The other day throughout all this chaos, otherwise known as picking up and moving your whole life across the country in only a few weeks, I decided I wanted to document all of this craziness. I wanted to somehow after all of this is said and done be able to look back and remember this change in our lives and how we were feeling. So for the next little while this blog will be my journal... that I can't loose in all the shuffle of moving. 

I am going to back track a little bit and fill you in on the whole reason we are moving. This summer has been craziness. Caleb first got a call from TOMS back at the beginning of June, we were at Summer Spectacular practice and I remember him standing in his little monkey suit (we were monkeys in the play) and the look on his face when he realized he was in the running for a position at TOMS.... PRICELESS. Caleb loves his job at AOA but his true passion isn't marketing for Orthopedics, both of our passions is to try and make this world a better place and while doing that spread the message of Christ. What a great opportunity he has been given to live out his passion while making a living. We are both super excited about this its almost surreal. 

For whatever reason before we were married I always had this feeling that we would one day live either in Africa or California. Which is completely crazy because at that time I had never even been to either of those places. We did go on an awesome mission trip to Rwanda, Africa this last year and Rwanda definitely still has a tight grip on our hearts but God has opened these doors wide open for us in California. Who knows maybe God has plans for us to live in Africa one day but for now without a doubt in my mind I know he wants us in California. Caleb went through almost two grueling months of interview after interview with TOMS and finally he was offered the position. It was so hard for us to keep all these interviews and the possibility that we maybe moving across the country a secret. We prayed and prayed asking God to show us if this was the right move for us and in numerous ways he has showed us this is what he wants for us at this moment. 

Since Caleb has accepted the job we made a short trip out to LA after much searching we found us the perfect apartment with the not so perfect price tag.... but we quickly learned there is no such thing as a perfect price tag in California. We have been overly spoiled our whole life to Texas real estate we just didn't know it. We are moving to a community called Playa Vista and we are exactly one mile from the beach! I didn't take my camera a long so this is the only picture I got of the place from my phone:

Since neither of us had ever even stepped a single foot on California soil we had no clue what to expect. In my mind I had envisioned all these hippies with long hair smoking funny things or the Real Housewives of Orange County type. When we got there we were pleasantly surprised at how at "home" we felt. I didn't see any people with long hair, tied-dyed shirt with a leather vest, peace sign necklace around their neck or anyone smoking funny things. Don't get me wrong I know there are some out there but thats not what the whole state of California produces, thank goodness. 

After our trip we have been busy getting everything in line for us to be able to move. Which to say the least has been super stressful. More so on Caleb than me, which if you know either us at all you know Caleb is very much the stresses/worries way too much type and I on the other hand usually do not worry/stress enough. We have had a couple of bumps in the road mainly with breaking our lease at our apartment... I think if they could they would want me to give them my first born child just because we are moving out before our lease agreement was over. But you know the devil has to try to get you somewhere and the devil knows the best place to get my husband is his pocketbook. If you have a chance if you could just pray for us as we prepare to move, that things will go smoothly and to not let the stress get to us. Prayers are greatly appreciated. 

Well this post is already entirely too long and I have about a 97 things and counting on my to-do list that needs to be done. 

I'll leave you with a picture of us from our first trip to Cali..