Monday, September 12, 2011

We are moving for real...

I'm convinced that God was wanting to give us a little taste of Cali because this weather lately has been awesome, I'm also pretty sure he wanted all of our friends and family to get a little teaser of California weather and love it so much that they will for sure want to come visit us! =)

The last couple of weeks have gone like this for us:

packing, seeing friends/family, packing, cleaning, sleeping, packing, painting, oh and did I mention packing?

As much as I am going to miss Texas I am so ready to be in California and settled in my own house that does not consist of ANY boxes. This last weekend we had to repaint our apartment that we just painted only a mere couple of months ago because we thought we were staying here for at least a couple of years... God had other plans for us... but His plans are better that ours and we couldn't be more excited. (except for the painting & packing part) Don't I look so happy?

Besides getting ready for the big move we have had so much fun getting together with everyone before we leave. This last weekend we had our very last get together with our Small group from church. It has been such a blessing getting to know and love every person from that group. They have supported us and helped us grow as followers of Christ over these last couple of years.

How Cute is this little Beach Cake?

Our Small group minus a few...

Last night we had a ton of fun getting together with some friends to watch the Cowboy's game.... Wonder how many friends will invite us over to watch that in Cali?? I'll keep you updated on that... Micah and Justin hosted it and during half time they had planned out minute to win it games and boy was this entertaining! 

How cute is this poster? They went all out for this, they even had the legit sounds and everything.

The first Challenge was putting an Oreo on your forehead and then getting it into your mouth without using anything but moving your face. The first person to get 3 Oreos first wins! Guess who won?? Oh yeah you guessed it... Me!! Mom I know you are so proud!! Here is Jason (second place winner in this challenge)

This is the tissue challenge where you have to get all the tissues out of the box with only using one hand... Caleb let the Campbell team sown on this one... 

Unfortunately the Campbell's got second place in the minute to win it challenge.. we were beat by a whopping one second! Can you believe that!! Props to the "almost" Davidson's!

Caleb and I have been so excited about the big move but last week it kind of hit both of us that this is for real. I have been emotional lately realizing that I won't be able to just drive down the road to see our family, we cant just pick up the phone anymore to call our friends to go have dinner etc. I am not usually an overly emotional person but lately I have definitely found myself pretty emotional over the smallest things. Don't get me wrong I am so thrilled to be starting a new chapter in our life, it just I'm sad about closing this one. It's very bittersweet. My sister pulls on my emotional strings more than anything, she is more than just a sister to me and I care about her more than almost anything in this world. I worry about being that sister that moved away that she hardly sees. I want to be there for her as she grows up and I don't want to miss those big things in her life. I am going to miss all my family tremendously but Emily is my baby. I take comfort in the fact that technology is so awesome that we can facetime as much as we want, I'm still waiting for technology to be able to send hugs... maybe one day. Just pray for us as we are having to say these hard good bye's to all of our friends and family... 

Im going to leave you with a list of some things we are excited about and going to miss:

Things we will miss about Texas:

  • Friends and Family
  • Good ole Texas fried foods
  • Our garage/storage (we have none of this in cali)
  • Low cost of living
  • the occasional snow days and getting to stay home from work
  • Our Church
  • Blue Bell Ice Cream
  • Lack of traffic
Things we are excited about for California:

  • Meeting new friends
  • Trying new things like surfing, mountain hiking, etc..
  • Enjoying outside activities without the heat
  • Getting plugged into a new church
  • Going on this adventure God has sent us on together
  • Starting new jobs and growing in our careers
  • Caleb starting a new job that he is passionate for and honors Christ
We will do another list after we have been there awhile and see how they match up!

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