Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Texas Weekend Y'all

This last weekend I was able to get to go back to Texas and visit. It was so great to get to see so many friends and family, I have missed everyone so incredibly much. This weekend also happened to be my baby sisters 10th Birthday. I honestly cannot believe that she is actually a decade old. She is not suppose to be this old yet, it seems like just yesterday she was born. 

Here she is 10 years ago. And if any are confused by this picture no I am not the one that gave birth to her, not sure why I was the one is the hospital bed... Also dont judge I can't help she was born right in the middle of my awkward puberty years. 

and here we are after 10 years, I love this girl just a little bit. =)

She had a great Birthday party- going away party. They are moving to Florida at the end of this month so she will be starting a new school in December. She had 13 girls come over for the slumber party. I am really glad I opted to stay at my Grandma's house... a few hours was enough of 13- 10 year old girls running around screaming for me. 

No cake this year, Cake balls was what she wanted and they were delicious! 

Wonder who she got this from? and yes we got her other stuff than just TOMS. 

13 girls 

It was so hard telling them good-bye knowing they are moving to Florida and we are in California. We cant get much further away from each other than that. It's going to be strange during the Holiday's this year not having them around. But I am so thankful for such awesome grandparents and in-laws who I love like my own family.

Our last lunch before I left, of course we had to be twinkies =)

I was so worn out from this quick trip. I was trying to see so many people in so little time I didn't get hardly any sleep. I came home and crashed and I may or may not have slept for 15 hours. Only a few more weeks and we will be back for Christmas! =)

We are going to have a non- traditional Thanksgiving this year being that we will be out here in Cali without any family. I think we have to have some kind of Thanksgiving meal so I am going to attempt a traditional meal all by myself tonight. I called my Granny to get her recipe on how to make her dressing (she of course makes the best) and I was on the phone with her for about 25 min just getting the directions. So we will see how long it takes me to attempt at making this. I know it will not turn out like hers but I'm just praying that it is edible. We are also putting up the tree tonight, which is my FAVORITE thing to do all year! 

We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and is surrounded with lots of love from family and delicious food! 

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